What You Know To Be True, “You Know!”

You know…

####You Know…

and that is the truth that all knowing is known by you and anything you ever learn or come to know will only be because you know.

What a beautiful circuitous truth about you and your experience.

It’s terrifying and freeing to live your knowing.

And in this moment it’s part of you and your knowing.

There is a knowing that is confused and uncertain, not sure what to do, knowing that the truth is what it is. It’s all a mess and beautifully so.

And you live with it.

To be in this body and to be confused by it and the spiritual knowing.

You are amazing like this.

How do you live this way, what does it mean to live as the light, it’s what the real is.

It’s so true but the way to show one I don’t know.

I’m a mystical skeptic…


What if you could lay tracks down before…

What if you could lay tracks down before your path as fast as you wish to travel? How could you do that?

Could you simply float over the earth or be carried by the sky? Can you use a sound wave, a wind wave, a wave of humidity? For example…

What does it look like to use Lucid…

What does it look like to use Lucid Dreaming for language learning? And learning all around of course.

You already know there’s a lifestyle you can live to improve and create your life as you desire. Your challenge which is kind of whack honestly, is to start your day better, by owning your body and mind properly.

Come on already…

I want software that I can speak into…

I want software that I can speak into and have these things happen: step 1, I record an audio file, then I simply upload it to my drop box folder or whatever, the audio file then is pulled into a mind mapping brain of sorts, it is also transcribed into text, formatted into an easy reading, and the text is categorized and tagged, according to the keys I spoke when reading into it.

For example: Me, “Sintra, Portugal February 7th, tible Walking Amongst Darkness tible” so here it would be transcribe and titled Walking Amongst Darkness… The ible is a word to signify the Title.

I could also transcribe any audio using the software, from videos etc.. But mostly I want to be able to record audio, have it transcribed as well as synced with my voice, and in this way, I’m creating content and an easy way to access my thoughts and ideas.

WIWL = What I Would Like. I tagged this comment with it.