How The Relationship Romp / Love Cheese Works…
Simple Steps To Remind You When You Get Lost And Confused…
My Love,
On this page you will find directions guiding you along the process of the program.
You shall see text and perhaps an audio track that will describe how the program works.
I apologize if it feels basic and as if I am speaking to you as if you are not so intelligent. That is okay. We are all ignorant in specific regards.
Don’t take it wrong.
But if you do, that is great too. It just means you haven’t gone through the program and had the realizations yet.
It will come.
FIRST : The program is delivered through your email.
Whichever email you purchased the program with will be the email that the emails are being sent to.
All emails have included within their SUBJECT line the words, “Relationship Romp / Love Cheese”.
Use those words to search your email. Please do not email us asking how to use your email or how to search for emails.
You can do it!!!
SECOND : Every email has a link in the email to a specific web page.
For example all pages begin with
Each of those pages contains an Audio, which is the primary means of delivery of the program.
You must listen to the audios.
Also, each page will have transcripts of the audio at the bottom of the page.
Sometimes, there are additional links included in the pages. Those links are meant to add value, to clarify topics, to answer questions that I may receive from participants including yourself.
I add material if I think it will be of value to you.
Each page also has written text included.
The text is not necessarily in alignment with the specific audio.
However, it is in alignment with the project that is Love Cheese / The Relationship Romp.
THIRD : You are invited to send questions, comments, or testimonials to us by going to this page.
We keep the program and the technology as simple and straightforward as possible.
This is by design.
Every page follows the same format.
Everything is delivered via email.
We make updates to the program, so if we add new content, you will be sent an email with the appropriate link to the new content.
FOURTH : What happens when the program comes to an end?
You will receive an email called, “When the end is always the beginning a gift of knowing you don’t know”.
In this email you will find a link with a summary of the program as well as an idea about life and living well, of being free, of being alive, of being with the intensity and wonder that is the human experience.
It is the last official email in the program.
Of course, nothing comes to an end until it does.
It is our sincere desire for you to experience a shift in understanding your self and the world around you. It is our sincere desire that you will enjoy the program so much that you will share it with everyone you know and that they too will come to understand a fundamental truth about who you are and who they might be in relationship to you.
And if there was one more thing we’d love for you to experience it is being comfortable with not knowing, with not having the answers to life, with not feeling the continual desire to fix yourself or others. If you can sense and experience the freedom in the words, “I don’t know” while going on living your life while fully engaged with living, then you have come to know something exquisite.
You are Love Cheese… You are The Relationship Romp… You are you completely through and through and what you are is nothing like you believed yourself to be, because now you know…
And if you don’t know, soon you will.
Be blessed and may life grace you with the knowing you are a miracle, you are it,
Emeric Damian
p.s. What’s our vision, our dream, our goal for the relationship romp and love cheese? The Vision Is Not What You Think But Something More… ( click it )
Will You Underestimate The Power of Simplicity…
Let the experience be the learning and action the reward.
Because We Live In A World Of Fake Complexity,
A Complexity That Is Designed To Confuse You And Plump You Up With Superficiality…
Do remember, in our current world, your attention is the commodity.