One of the reasons I write one of the reasons…

One of the reasons I write, one of the reasons why I love particular writers, lives within this quote below.

It’s a masterful twist for students to allow themselves to summarize the thoughts of other thinkers, teachers, etc. who’ve put time into the contemplation of a particular idea and exploration.

“Dr. Vater Richard Marius the director of writing at Harvard used to say, ‘encourage your students not so much to be, you know, original thinkers, but to find their thinking in the thinking of others’.”

10 Rules For Studying for learning and for…

10 Rules For Studying, for learning and for teaching…

The greatest gift you can give yourself is the ability to learn, and thus teach.
In all truth, this is the path to freedom and sovereignty, the path to be able to clearly and lucidly think for yourself as best as you can.

There’s this deep mystery that calls to me…

There’s this deep mystery that calls to me still, the exploration of lucid dreaming and the potential benefits of using the dreamscape to take over the power of the mind.

We’re talking dream yoga, placebo effect, the psychology of possibility and an exploration of William James’s, “Radical Empiricism” of being, radical experience as I like to say.

It’s stunning that more research has not been placed upon this particular topic.

You are here to be that, to be an explorer of the realms that interest you, that call you, that speak you as you are.

The inklings of the mysteries, the echo.

Time sovereignty and owning your existence…

I love wasting time which really is another way of saying, ‘I love being with being and being alright with being there’.

It’s a way to extend and compress, to draw out, and to create time as I wish, as I desire.

In this way I am not at the whims of cultural dictates for the use of time, which is actually a dictate against your sovereignty to use your life as you wish.

Waste time as you desire to waste it, and you’ll find freedom in places you would never have known existed.

*Choice* How much of your life do you…


How much of your life do you want to use to create, to consume, or to share?

We are all consumers of one kind or another; yet there’s a kind of consumption that tangles our spirit and drains our life more than it gives, and often the remedy to the consumption is to let ________ ( fill in the blank, my love. )

*Choice* How much of your life do you…


How much of your life do you want to use to create, to consume, or to share?

We are all consumers of one kind or another; yet there’s a kind of consumption that tangles our spirit and drains our life more than it gives, and often the remedy to the consumption is to let ________ ( fill in the blank, my love. )