The Love Me Monster is a fictional, though real creature whom I encountered for the first time around 2003. Rarely does one ever catch site of The Love Me Monster. However, because of my relationship to sleeping and dreaming both of which I participate in often while fully awake, I caught a glimpse while in between the two states. Ever since that moment The Love Me Monster and I have had a unique relationship, a conversation that carries on whenever I dip into the dreaming, whether during the day or softly as I sleep. My beautiful friend whom I adored, Kristi was the first and only person whom I ever shared the story of the Love Me Monster with, until recently. Respectfully, I share The Love Me Monster with you too

This is the entry point into the world of The Love Me Monster and his friend, Emeric Damian. 

Emeric, writes and he write a lot. 

He primarily writes letters to The Love Me Monster.

You can gain access to these ‘conversations’ by buying a ticket to “Word Travel”, with The Love Me Monster & Emso. 

The Love Me Monster With Emeric Damian
This is only one of many artistic renditions of The Love Me Monster, though The Love Me Monster has never been photographed and most likely never will be.