Your Relationships Are A Mess… 

And It Is All Your Fault!

Isn’t That Great.

Dear Friend,

Welcome to the truth, the non-truth, the sweet lie that is sour. 

You are at the center of the universe. 

And every relationship you’ve been in has one thing in common. 


Isn’t that something…

You are the one thing, the one person, who has and who will continue to be, involved in every relationship you have with the world around you for the rest of your life.

You are everywhere in all things, involved in everyone else’s business, involved in everyone else’s life. 

Isn’t that funny…

You thought you were so innocent, so free of deceit, of deception. You thought everyone else was the problem. 

Well, they are the problem too, but not your problem

You are your problem and you’ve made everyone else your problem too. 

Isn’t that gracious of you…

Now, denial is a good thing, because it means you are a little bit awake. You are aware, not sleeping through what’s being shared here. 

You are defensive, and that too is good, because it means you are thinking and not so willing to take what others say as absolute truth. 

You are gullible, and that too is good, because it means you are trusting and give people the benefit of the doubt. 

You are angry, and that is nice as well, because it means you care about something, even if you are deluded about what that may be, even if you are misguided, even if you aren’t. 

You don’t care and are indifferent and that is perfectly reasonable, because you are wise and don’t want to waste your energy and life on dumb things that are not important, even if you are also secretly bored and lonely

You are happy and full of joy and that is great too, because you are able to laugh at being in denial, defensive, gullible, angry, and apathetic, even though you aren’t sure what your delusion is, the joy of it all. 

You are…

That is fabulous, because now you realize, you are more than one thing, one label, one emotion, one desire. You are beyond all labels and concepts. How could that be possible? 

Now you are beginning to see…

You and the idea of your ‘self’ are both real and imaginary, and that means you are no-thing at all, even though you appear to exist, you somehow are never the same as you were the day before because everything is changing all the time, even though you are you... ( This is important to understand and that is why one of the modules is dedicated to this simple yet complex topic. ) 

And now we can continue the fun stuff. 

In simple words, in clear and concise language, you are at the center of the universe and it is the only way it can ever be. What you do with that knowledge, is everything. 

Emeric Damian’s Relationship Romp Spectacularoma A Radically Revolutionary Way of Relating To Everyone, That Is Not Sparkly Brand New, Nor Secretly Secret, Nor Scientificly Sciencie, Even Though It’s Completely New, Never Been Done Before, Unique For YOU. Where Nothing Is Everything and Everything Is Something More…

What to expect…

You may be underwhelmed…

You may be frustrated and angry, even a little peeved. 

You will most likely think you are participating with a crazy person…

You may think to yourself, how is it that I always find myself in relationships weirdos. 

You will definitely have your perspective on life shifted. 

You will never see the world the same. 

You will experience a lightness, even though it may be fleeting.

You will know yourself in ways you have never known. 

You will not be able to experience this anywhere else, because you are the gift.

Speaking of gifts, there is a simple but profound gift you will receive once inside, and once you take it on, it will transform your life. You will think you are in a different universe, because you will be. 

You may think to yourself, who is this egomaniacal loving and caring human I am speaking with, and I am not talking about me, you silly goose. 

It Is All About You & That Is Fantastic Finally You See It..

Expect for time to pass by quickly…

You will find yourself consenting to partake is the creation of your own life, environment, and thus world creation. 

You will be asked to choose for yourself if you want to do anything or nothing at all. 


You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. 

You will probably think someone amongst us is spoiled and slightly or greatly delusional. That’s okay.

You will have hesitations, you will stutter, you will not make quick decisions, you may act irrationally which is totally rational. 

You may discover that you love the paradox of not knowing who you are while choosing to be who you are. 

You will see others and everything as they truly are, appearances, a world in flux, movements, grace, laughter, and ridiculously frustrating at how absurd most people behave. 

Then again, you may not. 

You’ve been warmed up and warned, turned on and tuned into the possibilities for a more beautiful life. 

You have a choice to make now.

Now make a choice because you can. 

Click HERE and everything will be perfect and always beautiful and easy and clean and the great hand of the universe will open and give you everything you want without you ever having to participate or move from your cozy comfortable familiar cushion in life. 


Go Here and everything will be imperfect and always disturbed and hard and dirty and the great hand of the universe will open and give you a fat smack on the ass and take everything away from you, so that you will never have to participate or move from your cold uncomfortable disturbed cushion in life. 

How did those words make you feel? 

That last sentence, the heaviness of it, the despair. Why would you do that to yourself and yet, do you? 

You do! 

Stop it!

But only if you want to. 

Go here and have it be as it will, neither this nor that, until it is so. 

Your relationships will transform, hopefully for the better. Then again… 

You are you so we shall see.

I am given to hyperbole, satire, exaggeration, it is what I do and how I am and what I love about life, the silliness of it, the absurd seriousness with which we take it all. 

Our faces…

Watch how people contort their faces, the torture of it, their thinking torturing them. 

Love Cheese, because love is cheesy and self-love is cheesier than that.

… for friend’s of Emeric Damian


NOTE : You want to curate the sociopaths and narcissists out of your life. You do that by creating and dictating and sharing things like your wait page.

  1. Do you really keep people from joining?
    1. YES
    2. Here’s why. You can’t be everything to everyone. If you try to do that your life will be dull and ineffective and you will create more suffering for yourself, which is the opposite of what we are doing here. I am not for everyone and I am fine with that. It’s why I share the GIFT inside the program with you immediately.
  2. Who is this not for?
    1. Well
  3. Who can I contact if I have a question while in the program?
    1. Send an email to I need to think about that some more.

You are ruining your life ( And you don’t even know it. )

How to make people like you, even if they don’t. ( Just a title that I came up with, that I think would make people read it. )

This will be a good piece of satire…

Emeric Damian is the chief writer at Vagina, Your Pussy is talking to you, but are you listening. ( How funny it is… ) 

You. may want to note, tell a story around it to let it come to be. 

One of the most interesting is the Story how she started to take a stand for herself, built in and created self respect, self leadership and then it flowed out to the children who began to do the same. No, don’t go that route, some but not too much. Little stories and vignettes, but don’t use it. Just go right to the offer every time. 

///// More Play HERE /////

Brought to you by Vagina Consciousness in association Emeric Damian Inc…

Here’s what you need to know…

You are in a relationship with everything.

With people, with yourself, with your environment, with your dreaming, with your pets if you have them, with your past, with your imagination, and with your future.

Especially with your imagination.

You already have proficiency in relating.

However, there is no doubt about it that everyone can create a better relationship.

Better relationships with their family, friends, lover(s), themselves, and their life.

It is absolutely true.


There is one relationship, the primary relationship we are going to be exploring here.

Your relationship with and to yourself.

Which is your relationship to everything else.

Here’s what you can expect…

Here’s why there are no guarantees and a zero refund policy…

Anyone who says they know your relationships or what is best for you, doesn’t know anything about relationships.

You are an odd duck, a silly butt, an original piece of human being wonder.

It just is the way it is.


It doesn’t mean you can’t learn more about yourself and the power you have to understand your role, and your relationship with the world around you.

…and to yourself…

You see, it is your relationship that we will be exploring.

In this exploration, you will discover something transformational.

It is that transformation that will shift all of your other relationships.

How long will the program run?

7 weeks in total. However, you will have access to the material for 3 months, after 3 months, it will disappear.

Why are there zero refunds?

It’s better for us and it ends up being better for you. It keeps people who are insincere out of the program. It allows us to focus on what matters most, you and adding value to the Romp. Also, once you are inside, you will learn a valuable lesson that you can apply to your life if you wish, that will change everything for you. It’s one of the reasons to take a strong stand for commitment and decisiveness. Look for it, under the title, “That Can’t Be Possible, Can It?”… Yes it can.

Hi, I am Emeric Damian and I don’t know anything about you and your world, your relationships, your hardships, your past nor your future.

I don’t know if you are happy, sad, frustrated, bored, turned on, and in love with life. I don’t know too much about anything.

I do know, however, that you are in a relationship.

And I also know that I am a master of relating.

I also know that you have a lifetime of relating as well.

That means you are a professional in screwing up relationships.

Isn’t it so?

Everyone has ideas about how relationships should be, how they should go, who should be with who, and who should leave who. Everyone seems to regard their opinion about relationships as if they have some expertise in the matter.

That is why we screw up relationships all the time.


We are know-it-alls.

We want to believe our opinions about everything are correct.

But they aren’t.

I don’t know what is a good or bad opinion, a good or bad relationship, a proper healthy relationship, or a right relationship.

But guess what…

No one does.

That is the confusion, that is the challenge, that is the place where you and I are going to be playing.

It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

You are going to discover something new about yourself.

You are going to have a shift in perspective.

You are going to transform your life for the better.

And you are going to do so in a very short period of time.

All because you are asking different questions and seeing the possibility of something new.

It will make more sense in a few weeks.

For now, know this.

I am going to ask you, once you join, to send me a message.

I am going to ask you to do something very specific, very private, and very personal.

And I am going to guard your response close to my heart and with confidentiality.

But only if you are willing.

It will make sense soon.

Please note…

You are taking a risk being here with me.

You are possibly going to be disappointed and underwhelmed.

You are possibly going to be so turned on with what you discover that you could never tolerate living how you have been.

You may discover you already know and live everything you will be exploring here.

It’s a truth we need to confront right now.

You are going to join a program that is completely made up of my experience, which is composed of 40 years of watching, observing, conversing, questioning, and helping others understand something deeply moving about themselves.

You will soon come to see that whatever wakes up within you, came about because something is awake in me.

That also means whatever is awake in you will also awake in others.

Is that confusing?

Yes… no… maybe…

Let’s let it be for now.

What you need to know is that you don’t have to do anything else here.

There’s only one choice to make right now.

And I ask of you, that if you choose to join, you only do for this one reason.

Because you want to…

That is it.

They Called Her a Pushover….

But what they didn’t know….

Self-Hate and Self Love

Shame and Guilt
