How To Find The Freedom To Choose Yourself First!

A Master Course In Creating A Ridiculously Fabulous Relationship With Yourself…


My way of conversation is not for everyone. In fact most people get frustrated with me because I don’t tell them how to think or what to do, and I will never give them advice about their relationships to anything.” 

Dear Friend,

If you want the rare ability to have incredible relationships with all of life, especially with people you love, then this might be for you. 

Here’s the deal

I’ve created an online program called:

The Relationship Revival…

However, it’s very intimate, private, and expensive.

And It’s definitely not for people with closed hearts and minds, who refuse to think for themselves and blame the world for their problems.

Here’s what I mean

…Relationships are difficult, messy, and often cause a lot of suffering and they don’t have to, but they will because you are human. It’s our desire to get away from the suffering and confusion that causes more suffering. Let’s talk about that… 

“The Relationship Romp and Love Cheese”, is an online email and audio program

Designed to

  • Give You Greater Freedom To Express Your True Self…
  • Show You Why People Are The Way They Are And What To Do About It
  • Increase Your Appreciation For The Messiness Of Life While Giving You Peace Of Mind…
  • Improve Your Ability To Let Go Of Human Dramas Without Feeling Bad About It...
  • Reinvigorate The Power To Free Yourself From The Stories That Suffocate…
  • Release The Stress That Strangles The Joy From Life…

…and much more.

That’s my desire for you…

I want you to use this program to think for yourself, to ask questions, and to never accept what is being shared without seeing if it is true for you. 

You will also get a few additional ‘gifts’ when you join. 

The first of which is “The Gift”… ( for paid participants only. )

This audio delivered directly to you through email will give you almost instant super powers.

It’s clear, concise, and straight to the point. 

I’ve never said this before, but “The Gift” really may be the secret to an amazing life.

In fact, you can use “The Gift”, with the program itself. 

But let’s slow down for a minute…

( back to the program ) 

You see, this program on relationships is more like a gentle slap on the ass, a hug for your heart, than a kick in the teeth

Yes, we will discuss the power of creating unique relationships that give you the freedom you desire to be yourself

Of course we will discuss family and friends and one ‘counter-intuitive’ way to deal with them when they are behaving like spoiled children. ( It’s respectful to you and to them. ) 

But that isn’t what The Relationship Romp & Love Cheese are really about. 

This seven week audio and email relationship master program is about you!

You are at the center of the universe. 

And every relationship you’ve been in has one thing in common. 


Isn’t that something…

Now For Some Tough Love,  That Gentle Slap On The Ass, Because We Are All Asses, But I Will Save That Truth For The Paid Program.


You are the one thing, the one person, who has and who will continue to be, involved in every relationship you have with the world around you for the rest of your life.

You are everywhere in all things, involved in everyone else’s business, involved in everyone else’s life. 

Isn’t that something?

You thought you were so innocent, so free of deceit, of deception. You thought everyone else was the problem

Well, they are the problem too, but not your problem

You are your problem and you’ve made everyone else your problem too. 

Isn’t that gracious of you…


Now, denial is a good thing, because it means you are a little bit awake. You are aware, not sleeping through what’s being shared here. 

You are defensive, and that too is good, because it means you are thinking and not so willing to take what others say as absolute truth. 

You are gullible, and that too is good, because it means you are trusting and give people the benefit of the doubt. 

You are angry, and that is nice as well, because it means you care about something, even if you are deluded about what that may be, even if you are misguided, even if you aren’t. 

You don’t care and are indifferent and that is perfectly reasonable, because you are wise and don’t want to waste your energy and life on dumb things that are not important, even if you are also secretly bored and lonely

You are happy and full of joy and that is great too, because you are able to laugh at being in denial, defensive, gullible, angry, and apathetic, even though you aren’t sure what your delusion is, the joy of it all. 

You are…

That is powerful, because now you realize…

You are beyond all labels and concepts.

Even though your entire life people have been trying to box you in. 

…but they can’t box in what doesn’t exist…

You and the idea of your ‘self’ are both real and imaginary, and that means you are no-thing at all, even though you appear to exist, you somehow are never the same as you were the day before because everything is changing all the time, even though you are you...  

In simple words, in clear and concise language, you are at the center of the universe and it is the only way it can ever be.


What you do with that knowledge, is everything. 

“Could this program be the secret to finally having a true relationship to all that is…”


She said,

“Your Relationships Are A Mess… 

And It Is All Your Fault.”

“Yes, Isn’t That Great!” I said.


An Innocent Child ( that’s me ) About To Be Shocked By Reality… I’ll share more in the private program.

Hi, I am Emeric Damian and I don’t know anything about you and your relationships, your hardships, your past nor your future.

I don’t know if you are happy, sad, frustrated, bored, turned on, and in love with life

I do know, however, that you are in a relationship.

And I also know that I am a master of relating.

I also know that you have a lifetime of relating as well.

That means you are a professional in screwing up relationships.

Isn’t it so?

“It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way

And Here’s Why.”

Everyone has ideas about how relationships should be, how they should go, who should be with who, and who should leave who. Everyone seems to regard their opinion about relationships as if they have some expertise in the matter.

That is why we screw up relationships all the time.


We are know-it-alls.

We want to believe our opinions about everything are correct, but they aren’t.

I don’t know what is a good or bad opinion, a good or bad relationship, a proper healthy relationship, or a right relationship.

But guess what

No one does.

That is the confusion, that is the challenge, that is the place where you and I are going to be playing.

It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

  • You are going to discover something new about yourself.
  • You are going to have a shift in perspective.
  • You are going to transform your life for the better.
  • And you are going to do so in a very short period of time.

All because you are asking different questions and seeing the possibility of something new.

It will make more sense in a few weeks.

For now, know this.

I am going to ask you, once you join, to send me a message.

I am going to ask you to do something very specific, very private, and very personal.

And I am going to guard your response close to my heart and with confidentiality.

But only if you are willing.

It will make sense soon.

Please note…

You are taking a risk being here with me.

You are possibly going to be disappointed and underwhelmed.

You are possibly going to be so turned on with what you discover that you could never tolerate living how you have been.

You may discover you already know and live everything you will be exploring here.

It’s a truth we need to confront right now.

You are going to join a program that is completely made up of my experience, which is composed of 40+ years of watching, observing, conversing, questioning, and helping others understand something deeply moving about themselves.

You will soon come to see that whatever wakes up within you, came about because something is awake in me.

That also means whatever is awake in you will also awake in others.

Is that confusing?

Yes… no… maybe…

Let’s let it be for now.

What you need to know is that you don’t have to do anything else here.

There’s only one choice to make right now.

And I ask of you, that if you choose to join, you only do for this one reason.

Because you want to…

That is it.

But first, I want to share something with you. 

It’s an audio recording and I believe it will be valuable for you, at least other’s have told it me it was powerful for them. It’s free and there is a reason for it which I share in the paid program. 

Before Anyone Buys Anything From Me They Have To Go To This Page By Putting In Their Email Address And Name And Then Listen To The FREE Recorded Audio On The Next Page.


Emeric Damian’s Relationship Romp Spectacularoma A Radically Revolutionary Way of Relating To Everyone, That Is Not Sparkly Brand New, Nor Secretly Secret, Nor Scientificly Sciencie, Even Though It’s Completely New, Never Been Done Before, Unique For YOU. Where Nothing Is Everything and Everything Is Something More…


What to expect…

7 Weeks of Incredible Explorations Into Your Own Beliefs About Who And What Your Life Is And Can Be…

  • You may never see the world the same. 
  • You may experience a lightness, even though it may be fleeting.
  • You will know yourself in ways you have never known. 
  • You will not be able to experience this anywhere else, because you are the gift.

Speaking of gifts, there is a simple but profound gift you will receive once inside, and once you take it on, it will transform your life. You will think you are in a different universe, because you will be ( only for paid participants ). 

It Is All About You And That Is Fantastic

Finally You See It…

Expect for time to pass by quickly…

You will find yourself consenting to partake is the creation of your own life, environment, and thus world creation. 

You will be asked to choose for yourself if you want to do anything or nothing at all. 


You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. 

But here’s what you need to know…

You are in a relationship with everything.

With people, with yourself, with your environment, with your dreaming, with your pets if you have them, with your past, with your imagination, and with your future.

Especially with your imagination.

You already have proficiency in relating but…

There is no doubt about it that everyone can create a better relationship.

Better relationships with their family, friends, lover(s), themselves, and their life.

It is absolutely true.


There is one relationship, the primary relationship we are going to be exploring here.

Your relationship with and to yourself.

Which is your relationship to everything else.

Anyone who says they know your relationships or what is best for you, doesn’t know anything about relationships.

You are an odd duck, a silly butt, an original piece of human being wonder.

It just is the way it is.


It doesn’t mean you can’t learn more about yourself and the power you have to understand your role, and your relationship with the world around you.

…and to yourself…

You see, it is your relationship that we will be exploring.

In this exploration, you will discover something transformational.

It is that transformation that will shift all of your other relationships.

Dedicated to bringing you more joy, ease, and beauty in life,

Emeric Damian

p.s. Why are there zero refunds?

It’s better for us and it ends up being better for you. It keeps people who are insincere out of the program. It allows us to focus on what matters most, you and adding value to the Romp.

Also, once you are inside, you will learn a valuable lesson that you can apply to your life if you wish, that will change everything for you. It’s one of the reasons to take a strong stand for commitment and decisiveness.

Look for it, under the title, “That Can’t Be Possible, Can It?”… Yes it can.

Here are some of the topics we will be discussing…

The Main Program

  • 00 Before We Begin…
  • 01 The First Ask… Who in the world do you think you are? 
  • 02 The Second Ask…
    • 02.1 Second Ask Addendum: Is It Wrong To Bring The Past Into The Present?
  • 03 Creating or Compromising It’s Your Choice..
  • 04 Seeing The World With Fresh Eyes…
  • 05 The Adult Children, Also Known As Family and Friends and The Tantrums They Throw…
  • 06 Why Are You Here With Me Right Now?
  • 07 Keeping It Simple… The Hardest Thing To Do…
  • 08 Standing up for yourself, for your tastes, your preferences, and your truth.
  • 09 Allowing others to be who they are without needing them to be anything other than they may be.
  • 10 Creating People With The Power To Transform Lives…
  • 11 A Summation Of What We’ve Covered…

Part II : Bonuses And Further Discussions

  • 12 People Are Not Who They Say They Are…
  • 13 Standing On The Edge Of A Cliff As Not You…
  • 14 The Gift Of Not Thinking…
  • 15 Invitations To Allow Them To Choose For Themselves…

There are more opportunities once you come inside. 

I Present to You LOVE CHEESE & The Relationship ROMP… Pure Pleasure Wrapped In Wonder & Delivered Via Email Directly To Your HEART & BRAIN…