Welcome From Portugal


You have entered a new world of a kind, a world where I, one Emeric Damian, offers to share with you, words, recordings, and pictures of places with stories attached.

All you will find here, is created to bring more beauty from within you, out and into your world. You can think of this as entering a land, where you are the main character of the stories that unfold.

A visitor into a world that I happen to have created for your pleasure, for however long you wish to be here.

Now, like any world you enter, there are parks and playgrounds that are free to enter, and of course there are palaces and parks that are private as well.

I suggest you follow your fancy and allow yourself to be called to whatever you are called to and forget about the rest.

There’s quite a bit to uncover so I suggest following these 3 guide posts to get you started :

  1. Download this document on “How Your Life Lives You Even When You Believe You Are Living It”. It’s a short one page document that will get you on board with the “How Your Imagination Fools You!”
  2. After you get the document, if you are inclined, you can purchase the short story called, “A Hollow Tree”. It’s 5 dollars, and is more of a good faith purchase. It says, that you value what is being shared and that you are actually a human being who feels things too. I’m going to give you something I call The Gift. It’s an audio clip that I give my clients.
  3. Finally, if you are getting value from the material, would you do me a favor and share the website with everyone you know.

Because, your word means more thanany advertisment or marketing campaign ever will.

And personally I appreciate it when my friends or family share something they enjoy with me.

Welcome once again. 

If you have any questions or comments or simple curiosities ask. I personally respond to all emails. 

Emeric Damian