Hello my love,
There’s a strange wonder falling into my life right now.
Well, that’s almost a truth.
I’ve been giving birth.
There are words and mysteries, turnings of the undercover love, that I want to share with you.
We’ve been stirring the mind with madness of a kind, a truth of beauty.
It’s the latest project of mine.
And I’m excited to let you know that I’ve brought on and have invited many others to come along this journey.
It’s Vagina Consciousness and it’s starting to turn on and turn into new varieties of existence.
We are art and art lives our breath.
The beauty of existence still turns minds fast and wonderfully done.
You know I love art and artist and weird strange wonderful colors of existence.
And so, as I promised, I share openly with you, what I’m up to.
This I’m enthused to share.
It’s VagCon.com and it’s Vagina Consciousness.
We are connecting artist with artist, and artist with entrepreneurs and all of them with you.
It’s a blatant holler of appreciation for the vagina.
It’s a celebration of life, the one thing we all have in common.
We share this if nothing else.
And it must be celebrated and adored as it is.
Even amongst the funkiness that is life!
Love and hugs,
Emeric Damian
It’s a wild way we exist, the games we play, the curiosities we turn.
Where are you?!
Playing in Portugal for days, months, years and who knows how long.