It Can’t Be That Simple You Silly Human; It Isn’t Like We’re Baking Bread ( read it out loud if you will ).

My darling,


There is bread in the oven, fresh, steaming, and so satisfying to tear into.

Four ingredients: water, flour, salt, and yeast.

It’s so simple…

Four everyday ingredients and yet so many people screw it up.

Pizza dough, the same four ingredients….

And so many terrible pizzas in the world…

It’s so simple…


What of your life?

Do I dare say it is so, so simple, yet you screw it up all the time.

Isn’t it so.

The toast is burnt, the bread is dry, the pizza flavourless, a salty tear from your eye.

Four ingredients: water, food, sleep and breath

It’s simple isn’t it.

But we are humans.

It’s our nature to create, to play, to experiment, to cause mischief in our own lives, to burn the toast by ‘accident’.

It’s fun, it happens, it’s life.

It is fun, except when it isn’t and it often isn’t, even when it is.

That last part gets us in trouble, “even when it is,” as we begin to believe that life is primarily heavy, torturous, a true terror to behold…

Work, struggle, stress and fear, keep pushing the rocks up the hill, today and tomorrow do the same, because if you aren’t in pain then you are clearly insane.

“Everyone is suffering, so you should too. If I have to suffer, so shall you. I know you think you are better than me, well I’m better than you and now you will suffer my judgments too.”

And you do.

You take them on as if they’re your own, the judgments of others; you carry their fiery stones.

“Drop it! Let it go! Your hands are burning”, they scream, “let it go, this is not a dream”.

“Oh precious one, are you searing your spirit with the words of another, with the thoughts that you believe to be true, thoughts that sting your being as their lies run you through?”

You are a precious one; your ‘life’, which is you, is precious; you have been given the gift of existence.

I know you already know all of that, all that has been shared here.

Nonetheless, life compels me to share with you, as I do.

It reminds me of that poem, you know the words:

“You shot your arrow, into the sky,

You laid upon the earth knowing,

the arrow, also came to die.”

Here’s to being thought insane in a world that thinks it isn’t,



Perhaps, today is a good day to respect the four lovers: sleep, water, food and your glorious beautiful body breathing as it so wonderfully knows how to do.

Everything else is important too and we will talk about that soon, because I have something for you.

It will transform your life, if you want it to.


Coming Soon::

  1. Relationships And The Ridiculous Nature Of Being In One.
  2. Knowing What You Want While Living Without Needing To Know.
  3. Why World Building May Be What You Are Missing In Your Life.
  4. The Guardian and The GuruThe Guru Is You & It Is The Only Way It Can Ever Be & What That Means For Your Future.
  5. Mischief, Debauchery & The Silliness Of Following The Rules.
  6. And for those who are interested, “Portugal, A Different Way Of Living” will be available soon.
  7. I just like ending on the number seven so I will. Hugs and love silly butt.

*If you aren’t sure how you ended up here, then fantastic, welcome once again, to the wonderful world of Emeric Damian’s creation, a land where nothing is everything and everything is more than it seems. We explore, whatever we want because it is in our nature to share, as the art of life wishes for us to share. May you find value in it or nothing at all, because both are perfectly fine, and we don’t mind. Loving you and loving you some more you sexy, curious, mysterious gorgeous being. ( click if you have forgotten anything here )

You Are At The Center of The Universe…

Welcome my friend,

You have been invited to enter into my kingdom, my world. 

…a world where the imagination is turned on by wonder and curiosity, a world where you are given access to new ways of thinking, shifts in perspectives, and if all goes well, perhaps a new found freedom to create yourself as you desire.

You will learn more about self-creation and the joy of choosing. 

Our relationship will turn you on to yourself in ways you’ve never known, in ways that guide you to taking care of yourself in the most beautiful and powerful way you can imagine, whatever that looks like for you…

Our relationship is about “being” the journey, not just thinking about it.

You are an explorer, an adventurer, your life is about the discovery of a dream, of a life to uncover, of a masterpiece to create.

Paradoxically it is about already being in the living of it ( We will explore the great paradoxes soon ).

You are a movement toward an understanding of your existence, a play in the world that gives you the opportunity to express the fullness of your desires, to be free to explore and tease out the experience of life as you desire, or as it desires for you.

You are the guardian of your story, and both of it and in it.

What story would you love to live?

That’s for you to discover,
Emeric Damian

How Can You Simplify Your Life Right Now For Inner Peace, Contentment, and Results?

It must be stated…

Simplify, simplify, simplify by doing less…

…not doing more.

And to remind you that the world wants your attention, I melted together a video clip from 1979 that I found on youtube, a clip of archivial footage that was capturing the soon to be future.

It had already happened and it will continue to take you if you don’t allow yourself to attend to what’s important in your life.

Your life is your life…

You don’t have to give it away to others, unless you wish to.

There’s not much more that needs to be said.

You will be challenged to create space and time for what matters most to you.

But it’s a challenge worth taking on.

“May you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days.”

If you want to write, if you want to create, you must be the most sublime fool that God ever turned out and sent rambling. You must write every single day of your life. You must read dreadful dumb books and glorious books, and let them wrestle in beautiful fights inside your head, vulgar one moment, brilliant the next. You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads. I wish you a wrestling match with your Creative Muse that will last a lifetime. I wish craziness and foolishness and madness upon you. May you live with hysteria, and out of it make fine stories — science fiction or otherwise. Which finally means, may you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world.

Ray Bradbury as quoted in Advice to Writers, Jon Winokur, 2000

“May you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake the world.”

If you are to take to the world, may you be in love every day, while you create and play in your way, the way, which is yours.

Forgetting One Way Of Being To Embrace Another : Taking on The Perfection Of Speed, Completion, and Good Is Great.

You could look a this as the triple threat or better yet, a convergence of ideas that birth a kind of superpower in the individual.

This can be thought of as a protective mechanism that is being applied to a way of doing life.

In this doing you are taking on a way of being.

Is it useful for you?

Is it a hindrance?

On your quest to know yourself, to see and experience what works best for you, as a way of applying and perhaps letting loose your superpower, your incredible ability to bypass the critic, the sound of doubt, and the inner voice that doesn’t belong to you, even though it pretends it does, you will be gifted the power of speed, completion, and ‘good’ is great.

The faster you can move in life with regards to those things where moving fast makes sense and even in cases where it would not seem to, you have tapped into a new potential.

It takes practice to be the creature who lives in that regard.

Then again, you may take right to it.

I hope you do, because I know it will serve you if you allow it to.

It has the ability to remove the force of procrastination and non-doing, when everything in you wants you to do, and then you find yourself going for walks instead.

Walks are wonderful, but not when you’ve gone for your thirty third walk to the cafe while carrying the weight of knowing you are not doing what you wish to do, and thus, you seem to be doing what you wish to do, even though that is not what you wanted.

Perhaps the system of all systems is desire and wanting…

Perhaps wanting and desiring are not enough.

There’s only one way to find out and that is to find out.

So find out for yourself and see what comes.

Living In The Choice of Now To Get To What’s Next…

There are times in life where you want to transform yourself.

There are moments when enough of being one way is enough of being that being.

There are choices living before you, waiting for you to take to them, to court them, to ask for their power to be transmuted into your being.

Now, now, now…

Wait a minute?

And that is the cycle that you’ve been partaking in for a long enough time to know that it will no longer wait, as waiting is a disease of its own kind.


Yes or no…

Never a moment to express a sentiment true…

The now is standing, waiting for you.

There’s a philophy of existence, a way of taking on a beingness of the nowness, not a now as in now is all there ever is.

Which is a platitude to deflect the truth of the now.

No, this is a question of living in the question of choosing to take care of this now, so to move on to what’s next.

The cause of now, is the cause of then, and what then often is an unknown, but it only comes when there is a cause.

What a curious way to unravel what’s so, by choosing to unknow so to know.